Project | JJM CWSS to Mavelikkara and adjoining panchayat providing FHTCS to Thazhakkara panchayat |
Project Code | ALPJJM052211954P2 |
Type | Package |
Main Project | Jal Jeevan Mission - CWSS to Mavelikkara and adjoining Panchayaths-Supplying and Laying of Distribution Network and giving FHTC for Chettikulangara Panchayath |
Funding Agency | JJM |
Category | JJM |
Type of scheme | Water Supply |
Scheme | 4215-01-102-92-01 |
Description | JJM CWSS to Mavelikkara and adjoining panchayat providing FHTCS to Thazhakkara panchayat |
Status | On-going |
District | Alappuzha |
Executing Office | Alappuzha Project Dn |
Agreement Number | |
Agreement Date | |
TS Amount (Rs) | 418830000 |
TS Number | WRD/KWA-CE(CR)/EST_TS/4207/2022_26_1_1 |
Technical specification | The project envisaged for enhancing the drinking water supply rate to 150 lpcd to the inhabitants of the Mavelikkara Municipal area, and 100 lpcd to the occupants of Thazhakkara and Chettikulangara Panchayath. Thus, the ultimate water demand of the new water supply project for the year 2049 AD comes to 30 MLD. is the only feasible source to this Scheme. A new RCC well cum pump house 12m diameter in Achenkovil River near to the existing well is considered for the new proposal. This DER comprises of construction of 5LL OHSR at Karippuzha and 6LL OHSR at Chettikulangara, laying of transmission main, laying of new distribution lines and alteration of existing connections to new distribution lines and providing FHTC to remaining House Holds. |
Project Progress Status |
Project Progress Status |
No Status Updated |
Date of start of Package | Date is not specified |
Scheduled date of Completion as per agreement | Date is not specified |
Expected date of Completion | 31/05/2025 |
TS Date | 20 Oct 2022 |
Estimate Approval | 20 Oct 2022 |
Alappuzha Proj Dn AE 2 |
Date: 10/03/2025 |
Work in progress | 40% Completed
Out of 9223 FHTCs , around 33 FHTCs and 260 HTCs done. 90 mm PVC laid out of 132611 meter PVC pipe to be laid 57300 meter laying has been completed. 110 mm PVC laid out of 3850 meter PVC pipe to be laid 1401 meter laying has been completed.160 mm PVC laid out of 10513 meter PVC pipe to be laid 1961 meter laying has been completed. .
Alappuzha Proj Dn AE 2 |
Date: 09/03/2025 |
Work in progress | 40% Completed
Out of 9223 FHTCs , around 33 FHTCs and 260 HTCs done. 90 mm PVC laid out of 132611 meter PVC pipe to be laid 57300 meter laying has been completed. 110 mm PVC laid out of 3850 meter PVC pipe to be laid 1401 meter laying has been completed.160 mm PVC laid out of 10513 meter PVC pipe to be laid 1961 meter laying has been completed. .