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All updates

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 24/06/2024

Work has been completed | 100% Completed

150 connections provided and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 10/06/2024

Work has been completed | 100% Completed

work started .90 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 05/06/2024

Work has been completed | 100% Completed

work started .90 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 30/05/2024

Work has been completed | 100% Completed

work started .90 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 24/05/2024

Work has been completed | 100% Completed

work started .15 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 20/05/2024

Work in progress | 40% Completed

work started .15 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 16/05/2024

Work in progress | 35% Completed

work started .15 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 15/05/2024

Work in progress | 29% Completed

work started .15 FHTCs provided out of 200 and 990.7m pipe laid

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 10/05/2024

Work in progress | 29% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 06/05/2024

Work in progress | 23% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 02/05/2024

Work in progress | 23% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 29/04/2024

Work in progress | 22% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 25/04/2024

Work in progress | 22% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 22/04/2024

Work in progress | 21% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 18/04/2024

Work in progress | 21% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 15/04/2024

Work in progress | 21% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 11/04/2024

Work in progress | 21% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 08/04/2024

Work in progress | 20% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 04/04/2024

Work in progress | 19% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 01/04/2024

Work in progress | 19% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 30/03/2024

Work in progress | 19% Completed

work started and 15 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 27/03/2024

Work in progress | 16% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 25/03/2024

Work in progress | 15% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 21/03/2024

Work in progress | 15% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 18/03/2024

Work in progress | 15% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 14/03/2024

Work in progress | 14% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 11/03/2024

Work in progress | 13% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 07/03/2024

Work in progress | 12% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 04/03/2024

Work in progress | 10% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 28/02/2024

Work in progress | 9% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 27/02/2024

Work in progress | 8% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 15/02/2024

Work in progress | 6% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 14/02/2024

Work in progress | 5% Completed

work started and 10 FHTCs provided out of 200

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 12/02/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 25/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 22/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 18/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 15/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 11/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 08/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 04/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 01/01/2024

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 29/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 26/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 21/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 18/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 14/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 12/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 11/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 08/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 06/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 02/12/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 30/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 25/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 23/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 21/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Work order issued to the contractor.Agreement to be executed.

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 20/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 16/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 13/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 09/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 06/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 03/11/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 31/10/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 28/10/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Pilathara WS Sn - AE
Date: 25/10/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .

Thaliparamba WS Dn EE
Date: 20/10/2023

Work has started | 0% Completed

Offers received .