JJM-WSS to Maneed, Mulanthuruthy, Edakkattuvayal and Amballoor panchayaths in Ernakulam District - part - II - Construction of 5 nos OHSR's, Laying CWPM & GM , Laying Distribution lines to all zones and providing FHTC - general civil work.
JJM-WSS to Maneed, Mulanthuruthy, Edakkattuvayal and Amballoor panchayaths in Ernakulam District - part - II - Construction of 5 nos OHSR's, Laying CWPM & GM , Laying Distribution lines to all zones and providing FHTC - general civil work.
JJM-WSS to Maneed, Mulanthuruthy, Edakkattuvayal and Amballoor panchayaths in Ernakulam District - part - II - Construction of 5 nos OHSR's, Laying CWPM & GM , Laying Distribution lines to all zones and providing FHTC - general civil work.
Executing Office
Piravam Project Dn
Agreement Number
Agreement Date
TS Amount (Rs)
TS Number
WRD/KWA-CE(CR)/EST_ TS/11477/2022_5_2_1
Technical specification
Name and address of contractor:M/s Strafa Projects Pvt Ltd ,
Plot No-34,Eswaraiah Enclave,Dammaiguda ,Hyderabad 500083
Laying of 90 mm,110 mm,140 mm & 160 mm pvc pipes &350 mm DI pumping main laying in progress.At Maneed panchayath- 1.225 km raw water pumping main & 7.39 km distribution line completed,mulanthuruthy panchayath-2.52 km distribution laying completed,Edakkattuvayal panchayath- 24.50 km distribution pipe laying completed,Amballoor panchayath-12.046 km distribution pipe laying completed. Arayankavu tank- column first stage completed stair work ongoing and veliyanad tank 1st stage column concrete completed stair work ongoing and. Kanjiramattom tank site 1st stage column completed & stair work ongoing. Thottapady tank site 1st stage columns completed stair work ongoing.159 htcs & 52 fhtc connections given at amballoor panchayath,353 FHTC & 22 HTC connections given at edakkuttuvayal panchayath and 2 FHTC connections given at mulanthuruthy panchayath as on 12.03.2025..
Piravom Project Dn AE 1
Date: 10/03/2025
Work in progress | 36% Completed
Laying of 90 mm,110 mm,140 mm & 160 mm pvc pipes &350 mm DI pumping main laying in progress.At Maneed panchayath- 1.225 km raw water pumping main & 7.39 km distribution line completed,mulanthuruthy panchayath-2.52 km distribution laying completed,Edakkattuvayal panchayath- 24.50 km distribution pipe laying completed,Amballoor panchayath-12.046 km distribution pipe laying completed. Arayankavu tank- column first stage completed stair work ongoing and veliyanad tank 1st stage column concrete completed stair work ongoing and. Kanjiramattom tank site 1st stage column completed & stair work ongoing. Thottapady tank site 1st stage columns completed stair work ongoing.159 htcs & 52 fhtc connections given at amballoor panchayath,353 FHTC & 22 HTC connections given at edakkuttuvayal panchayath and 2 FHTC connections given at mulanthuruthy panchayath as on 10.03.2025..