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JJM-WSS to Morayur,Pulpatta,Pookotoor Panchayath in Malappuram District

Project JJM-WSS to Morayur,Pulpatta,Pookotoor Panchayath in Malappuram District
Project Code MLPJJM092112635
Type Main project
Funding Agency JJM
Category JJM
Type of scheme Water Supply
Scheme 4215-01-102-92-01
Description JJM Works
Status On-going
District Malappuram
Executing Office Malappuram Project Dn
AS Amount (Rs) 2105100000
AS Number 897/2023/WRD
TS Amount (Rs) 2064000000
TS Number 112/2022_26_3_2
Total Bill Submitted (Rs) 741339718
Total Bill Paid (Rs) 109158220
Population Benefitted 1500000
Capacity in MLD 26.00
Actual Project Completion Date Date is not specified
Coverage Morayur Pulpattata and Pookootur panchayths


No. Project Name Location View
1 JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Construction of 22 LL OHSR at Kottamala in Morayur Panchayth including supply Laying balance distribution (Zone I) with FHTC Project Division Malappuram
2 JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III-Construction of 26.00MLD capacity water Treatment Plant ,22 LL capacity sump cum Pump house ,Land Development of WTP site including supply erection testing and commissioning of raw water ,Clear water pump sets and transformers-General Civil Work Project Division Malappuram
3 JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll-Construction of OHSR for Zone II,III,IV and V, Supply Laying Transmission main, Distribution System with FHTC for Zone II,III,IV and V including all electro mechanical Works-General Civil works Project Division Malappuram
4 JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A-Construction of 10mtr diameter Intake Well cum pump house ,Leading Channel ,Powe house room ,Supply, Laying,testing and commissioning of 600mm raw water transmission main and allied works Project Division Malappuram
5 Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work Project Division Malappuram

Overall Project Status

Status Date Overall Project Status Project Officer Contact
08 Jan 2025 • Phase 1-Package 1A-Construction of 10mtr diameter Intake Well cum pump house ,Leading Channel ,Power house room ,Supply, Laying,testing and commissioning of 600mm raw water transmission main and allied works – 1.Construction of 10.00 mtr dia well at PAVANNA kadavu-Intake well Roof slab concrete works completed. Approach bridge pier cap work completed. Bridge abutment concrete work progressing. 2.Construction and commissioning of panel board room and shift room with retaining wall at well site-Slab concrete at 7.45m level completed. brace beam shuttering work going on 3.600mm DI - Raw water pumping main-600mm DI Laid - 11909.95m, 600mm MS Work Completed - 263m. 4.600mm DI - Raw water pumping main-Canal crossing works -Canal Crossing Work Near Pottiyil Bridge is not Started. Steel Bridge to be constructed. 5.Road restoration Works - 8km BM & BC Road and 1km BT Road-As of Now BM/BC 4.3km (PWD) of Road Restoration Works completed. BT road of 1km completed(PWD). • Package II- Construction OHSR for Zone II,III,IV and V , Supply laying Transmission main , Distribution system with FHTC for Zone II,III,IV and V including all Electro mechanical works General Civil Work 1.Supply, Laying, Testing and Commissioning of 150mm DI K9 CWPM-1500m, From WTP sump to 5.00 LL OHSR near WTP & Incuding compound wall work-Work Not started. 150mm DI Pipe supply-Nill 2. Supply, Laying, Testing , Commissioning of 450 mm DI K9 and 350 mm DI K9 CWPM from WTP sump Valamangalam to Thadaparambu OHSR-450 mm DI-Laid-540 m ,350 mm DI-Laid- 450m 3. Construction and Commissioning of 22.80 LL OHSR at Thadaparamba and Including compound wall work-OHSR work completed.compound wall work pending. 4. Supply, Laying, Testing and Commissioning of 250mm DI CWPM from WTP Sump to MA DIN 11.80 LL OHSR-250 mm DI - Laid-5033.5m 5. Construction and Commissioning of 11.80 LL OHSR at MA DIN and compound wall-OHSR work completed.compound wall work pending 6.Distribution-194.643 km laid 7.FHTC- 2870/12576 8. Road restoration-LSGD-45 KM and PWD-21.7 KM-Work going on( 5.7 km taring,2.9 km concreting completed in panchayath road ).pwd road restoration not started • Package II(a) - Construction of 22 LL OHSR at Kottamala in Morayur Panchayth including supply Laying balance distribution (Zone I) with FHTC-Pipeline Work 1. Design, Construction , Commissioning of 22 LL Capacity OHSR at Kottamala-Column work on going. Temporarily stopped due to land related issue 2. Inter connection work of OHSR-Not Started 3. Distribution-83837m laid 4. FHTC-3343 /6462 5. Road restoration-LSGD-1 KM and PWD-6 KM- 80m LSGD cc road restored. 907m BT road GSB completed. • Package III-Construction of 26.00MLD capacity water Treatment Plant, 22 LL capacity sump cum Pump house Land Development of WTP site including supply erection testing and commissioning of raw water Clear water pump sets and transformers-General Civil Work 1. Construction of 26.00 MLD Water Treatment Plant and allied works at Valamangalam and compound wall- WTP column and retaing wall works are progressing 2. Tank inter connection work - 22 LL OHSR- Not Started 3. Electro Mechanical work with Plant automation,Supply Erection Raw Water/Clear Water Pump sets and allied Works,Supply , Installation and commissioning of 1000KVA Transformer at Intake Well Site,Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 400KVA Indoor Transformer at WTP Site - (1000 KVA Transformer, 400 kVa) ,VT pump set at Raw water 3 Nos 365 HP, CF PUMP SET FOR PUMPING TO MADIN OHSR-2 Nos 60 HP,CF PUMP SET AT WTP COMPOUND -2 nos 15 Hp, Common clear water pump sets -2 Nos 120 HP CF pump sets)-Not Supplied • Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work- 1.Distribution system- Total Pipe (m)-14251 laid 2.FHTC- 119/1500 3. Road restoration-LSGD-4 km each panchayths and PWD- Not Started Malappuram Project Dn AE6
20 May 2024 Package ll-Construction of OHSR for Zone II,III,IV and V- Pookottur ward 7 pullara to munduthodika road 250 mm di 90 mm pn 12.5 Pookottur ward 17 thayekadi road road restoration work. Phase 1-Package 1A-Construction of 10mtr diameter Intake Well cum pump house- Well site beam work, Manjeri Kizhisseri PWD road WMM Gb work, 600 mm DI work @ Kuttavil Package II(a) - Construction of 22 LL OHSR at Kottamala-Morayur gp ward 5 mc padi saddle work, MorayurGP ward 5 mongam kanjiram road meter setting, PulpattaGP ward 18 parakkad road house connection ackage III-Construction of 26.00MLD capacity water Treatment Plant ,22 LL capacity sump cum Pump house - Valamangalam Wtp site coloumn concrete work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration - Work not started Malappuram Project Dn AE6
14 Feb 2024 JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll- Pookkottur gp, ward 17,kattilppuram, athanikkal road, saddle work,Concrete road restoration work PulpattaGP ward 10 auditorium road shappinkunnu,Pookottur Ma’din tank side wall concrete work,Pookkottur gp, ward 15, perumundayil, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, road crossing,Pookkottur gp, ward 14,ambalimukk, athanikkal road, house connection finishing work,Pookkottur GP, ward 11, Koombara, Aravankara road, house connection work JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A- Well site slab steel work, perakamanna kuzhiyamparaba pwd road rock breaking, manjeri kizhisseri pwd road 600 mm DI work JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Mongam kanjeeram road 350 mm di work, morayur gp ward16 N 450. 451.ossankandi road 80 mm gi work, MORAYUR GP, WARD NO:1, WEST BASSAR,ROAD CROSSING FOR HOUSE CONNECTION, Pulpatta gp ward 17 thengashi, olamathil saddle work,Houseconnection in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil, thengashi, Meter setting in pulpatta gp ward 17,olamathil thengashi, JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package III- Valamangalam Wtp site retaining wall shear key cutting work Phase IV-Providing Balance distribution system with FHTC and Road restoration in Morayur Pulpatta Pookotur GP-Pipeline Work - Tender under process Malappuram Project Dn AE6
25 Oct 2023 Phase 1-Package 1A- 600mm,DI RWPM, Well to valamangalam plant Package ll-Construction of OHSR for Zone II,III,IV and V, Thadaparamba OHSR beam frame work,POOKKOTTUR GP, ward 19 , Valluvambram, house connection work,road meter setting, GI laying,Pookottur ma'din thank Site column shuttering, Package II(a) - HDPE 160mm pipe, PN-12.5, trenching Package III- Earth work on going Malappuram Project Dn AE6
16 Sep 2023 1) JJM -WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District -Phase 1-Package 1A-Construction of 10mtr diameter Intake Well cum pump house ,Leading Channel ,Powe house room ,Supply, Laying,testing and commissioning of 600mm raw water transmission main and allied works- Elayur etheem ghana road GSP WMM work started. 2) JJM-WSS to Morayur ,Pulpatta, Pookotoor Grama panchayaths in Malappuram District - Package ll-Construction of OHSR for Zone II,III,IV and V, Supply Laying Transmission main, Distribution System with FHTC for Zone II,III,IV and V including all electro mechanical Works-General Civil works - Thadaparamb ohsr shattering work, Pulpatta gp ward 14,Thottekkad geo tagg, pookottur ward 9 manikkanpra road 90mmdi 12.5, Pookottur ma'din thank Site column concrete , Pookottur ma'din thank Site column concrete , Pookkottur gp, ward 6,muthiriparamba road, house conection work, morayur gp ward9 63mm pipe, morayur gp ward 7 63 mm connection work. 3) JJM-CWSS to Morayur, Pulpatta, Pookottur Panchayath in Malappuram District--Package II(a) - Construction of 22 LL OHSR at Kottamala in Morayur Panchayth including supply Laying balance distribution (Zone I) with FHTC- There is no work in pulpatta and morayur panchayath Malappuram Project Dn AE6

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Duration & Sanction dates

Date of start of Project 29/04/2022
Scheduled date of Completion of the Project 10 Nov 2024
Expected date of Completion 31/03/2025

Processing Dates

AS Date 26 Oct 2023
TS Date 07 Dec 2023

Other details

Project Officers View